Myös eilisessä Ylen urheiluruudussa oli Johnnyn haastattelu, mutta sitä lähetystä ei löydy Areenasta :( Kuitenkin hänen luistelunsa näytti tosi hyvältä, joten odotan innolla että pääsen häntä livenä katsomaan.
ETA: Löysin Youtubesta tuon urheiluruudun jutun:
There is a long article about Johnny Weir in Finnish Nyt-magazine. The magazine lists three reasons why people should be Johnny-fans. The reasons are: Johnny has drama, style and talent! (haha, I could have invented a couple of more reasons) The article tells about the rivalry between him and Evan Lysacek (that Johnny called him slore :D), his tassel and fur costumes and that he only started skating at the age of twelve.
Yesterday Yle's sports news had an interview with Johnny, too. They showed him practicing his free program and then he told about his goal to get Sochi. He said it would be very difficult because of the tough competition. All in all he seemed to be in a great shape!
Wow, first of all I learned a new slang word... :p
VastaaPoistaOnly 3 reasons? They could have asked us! ;)
Yeah, he started skating quite old, didn't he? But he was an equestrian champion first.
Lysacek vs Weir, it's Weir forever!!! ;)
Did you see Johnny's costume?
LOL, his costume :D So those hairs on his shoulders are real human hair, I assume? Because he tweeted about having human hair in his costume. Hilarious!
PoistaOh dear, that's so him! But I'm not sure I really want to know... :p
VastaaPoistaHehe, I think he will have several costumes during the season, so maybe he is saving the most shocking one to last...