Sitten hieman ikävämpiä uutisia, nimittäin Virtue ja Moir joutuvat jättämään Finlandia Trophyn väliin Scott Moirin loukkaantumisen takia. Moirilla on lihasjännitystä niskassa (outo syy?) ja pari teki myöhään päätöksen jättää kisat väliin. "On pettymys, että emme voi mennä Suomeen mutta tässä vaiheessa kautta haluamme olla varovaisia. Meillä on pitkä kausi edessä emmekä halua pahentaa asioita matkustamalla ja kilpailemalla tänä viikonloppuna" sanoi Scott. "Laukkumme oli jo pakatut ja teimme päätöksen vain muutamaa tuntia ennen lennon lähtöä", selittää Tessa Skate Canadan lehdistötiedotteessa. Toivottavasti kukaan ei ostanut lippuja FT:n pelkästään heidän takia :(
Viikonloppuna tapahtuu paljon luistelurintamalla, sillä Finlandia Trophyn lisäksi kisaillaan French Mastersissä ja Japanissa Japan Openissa sekä Medal Winners Openissa, johon Laurakin osallistuu. Paljon videoita siis tulossa.
Art On Ice is coming to Finland! This is wonderful news and I have really been looking forward to this. The show is going to be held in Helsinki in February and the cast will include: Stéphane Lambiel, Evgeni Plushenko, Aljona Savchenko & Robin Szolkowy, Tatiana Volosozhar & Maxim Trankov, Nathalie Pehchalat & Fabian Bourzat, Sarah Meier and even more great skaters. More info:
Then some less wonderful news. Unfortunately Virtue and Moir won't be competing at Finlandia Trophy because of Scott's injury. According Skate Canada's press release Scott has a slight muscle strain in his neck.
"It is disappointing not to go to Finland, but this early in the season we feel it was better to be cautious and careful. We have a long season ahead of us, and just don’t want to risk aggravating things by travelling and competing this weekend," said Moir.
The two will miss returning to Finlandia for a second time. “We had such a great summer of training, and we were really excited to debut our two new programs in Finland,” said Virtue. “We had such a positive experience last year and were really looking forward to returning. The fans, our friends and the Finnish Figure Skating Association were so supportive of us that we couldn’t wait to go back.”
“Our bags were packed, and it was literally just four hours before our scheduled flight that we made the decision,” explained Virtue. “However, injuries are part of being an athlete. We understand that, and we feel fortunate that Scott now has the time to recover 100%. We will be back training hard to show off our programs at Skate Canada International in Windsor in just a few weeks.”
I hope nobody bought tickets to Finlandia Trophy only to see them (especially from abroad)
Next weekend is going to be full of events, besides Finlandia Trophy there will be French Masters, Japan Open and Medal Winners Open. Great!
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