During the Trophee Eric Bombard I focused on watching the ice dance and men's competition. Sometimes especially the GP events are boring when it comes to ice dance. The podium is pretty clear beforehand and there is no true rivalry and excitement. So I just focus on enjoying the programs, especially now when two of my favorite couples, Anna Cappellini & Luca Lanotte and Nathalie Pechalat & Fabian Bourzat were competing. Although Luca fell and missed the twizzles it didn't affect their placement - it was silver. Although the pair would have skated clean, they probably still would have been second. I really like their Carmen and really hope they will medal at European Championships! After a long time I saw P/B's Rolling Stones-themed free dance and it has definitely improved. Although maybe they could let loose a little bit more, after all it's the Rolling Stones - where are Fabian's Jagger moves? For some reason the program reminds me of their Mummy-program?? I hope they will have a more dramatic program for the next season.
Miesten puolella kisan taso ei kovin korkeaksi noussut. Nan Song, joka palasi kilpailemaan muutaman viikon takaisen aivotärähdyksen jälkeen ei näyttänyt vieläkään olevan ihan kunnossa. Ohjelma kyllä meni sujuvasti, mutta sen jälkeen hän piteli kauan päätään ja jatkoi sitä jopa Kiss & Cry:ssa. Ehkä kova kilpaileminen tuollaisen vamman jälkeen ei ole aivan hyväksi? Myös Brian Joubert, joka pystyi harjoittelemaan vain kolme päivää sairastumisensa jälkeen teki hyvän paluun. Tuomarit olivat kuitenkin toisen ranskalaisen Florent Amodion puolella, joka huolimatta katastrofaalisesta lyhytohjelmastaan (kaksi kaatumista, yhdistelmän epäonnistuminen ja piruetin puuttuminen) nostettiin PSC pisteiden ansiosta pronssille. Amodio aikoo vaihtaa lyhytohjelmansa ennen EM-kisoja kokonaan, sillä se ei ole mennyt putkeen missään kilpailuissa. Jeremy Abbott ei vieläkään ole saanut hyppyjään kulkemaan ja joutui tyytymään hopeaan, kun jälleen yksi japanilainen Takahito Mura, nappasi kultaa. Japanilaisten miesluistelijoiden taso on aivan hurja, heillä kaikilla on samanlainen hyppy- ja perusluistelutekniikka, joka on sopii hyvin nykyiseen pisteidenlaskujärjestelmään.
The level of the men's competition wasn't very high. I don't think Nan Song is still totally recovered, he held his head a long after his skate and even in the Kiss & Cry. Is it even healthy to compete so soon after a concussion? Song still managed to skate OK as did the other recovering skater Joubert who had only been practicing three days before the competition. But the judges really wanted to see Amodio on the podium, giving him high PCS after a catastrophic short program (two falls, missing spin, and missed combo) and with the help of them he got bronze. Abbott still haven't found his jumps so Takahito Mura got the silver. The level of the Japanese men is so high, they all seem to have similar jumping and skating technique which suits well for the current evaluation system.
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Men's podium. Photo: Reuters |
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