tiistai 25. syyskuuta 2012

Stream for Finlandia Trophy

Finlandia Trophy näytetään Ylellä lauantaina ja sunnuntaina 5.-6. lokakuuta. Ainakin ennakkotiedoissa olisi luvassa "vain" naisten ja jäätanssijoiden kisaa, mutta toivottavasti näytetään myös vähän edes miestenkin kisaa. Vaikka minuahan se ei sillä lailla haittaa, kun olen menossa katsomaan paikanpäälle myös miehiä ;)

Update: Näyttää siltä, että Yle on nyt lisännyt sunnuntain ohjelmistoonsa myös miesten vapaaohjelman ja myös pidentänyt ohjelma-aikaa 90 minuuttiin. Ehkäpä ulkomaalaisten fanien sähköpostikampanja auttoi?

This post is mainly for my international readers. I have good news for you! It is possible to watch Finlandia Trophy online and the stream is not geoblocked. Finnish TV company Yle will stream the competition on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday 6th October it will show ladies short program and short dance competition. Here is the stream: http://areena.yle.fi/tv/1683053

On Sunday 7th October there will be ladies free program, men's free program and free dance: http://areena.yle.fi/tv/1683057

There is also a countdown clock for the stream in the links. I am not sure if all of the streaming will be live or partly pre-recorded.  I will also try to update any news on Finnish media concerning the skaters when they start to arrive.

ETA: Yle has added men's free program on Sunday's stream. The actual competition will be held on Saturday, but I guess it's better than nothing, right? 

10 kommenttia:

  1. Thank you for the great news! Pity they'll not broadcast the men's competition. Let's hope they'll show the best of...
    I'll spread the news!

    1. You're welcome! :) But there will be many videos of men's competition for sure.

    2. Yes, but it's not the same as watching live... :p But at least we'll be able to watch ladies and dance, and since there are two Italian dance couples at the Finlandia Trophy I'm very happy I'll be able to cheer for them! ;)

    3. Out of idle curiosity, in Finland, which channel will broadcast the competition? I mean, which tv channel?

    4. Yle's channel 2 will broadcast it. It will be the same broadcast as the web stream, so you will probably hear Finnish commentators during the stream, too :D

    5. Thanks! I hope they will leave them, I love to hear the commentary in different languages :)

    6. Just recived an email from Yle. They say:
      "Sunday 7.10 we are broadcasting men's and ladies' Free Skating and Free Dance. Unfortunately we cannot provide men's skating live, but you can see the best parts of mens' programs on sunday."

  2. Great, I guess lots of international fans have been e-mailing them ;)

  3. So Yle won't broadcast synchronized skating at all? That is a shame ...

  4. I really don't understand why they couldn't just stream the whole competition online?
